Identity Theft – “Red Flags Rule”

Financial institutions (inclusive of RIAs and BDs) must establish a red flags program in accordance with SEC Regulation S-ID. The rule requires firms to create a written Identity Theft Prevention Program (“ITPP”) designed to identify, detect and respond to “red flags” that could indicate identity theft.
The ITPP shall cover:
- Identifying relevant red flags
- Detecting red flags
- Preventing and mitigating (responding to) red flags
- Updating the Program
- Administering the Program
The ITPP template is delivered in WORD for your easy customization. It complies with regulatory requirements for both RIAs and BDs.
The Red Flags Rule package includes:
- ITPP template
- Red Flags Rule information
- Red Flags Rule sample policy
- Red Flags Rule service provider representation
- Privacy Breach Steps – Internal
- Privacy Breach Steps Client Checklist
- Privacy Breach Log
- Privacy Breach Letter
- Privacy & Data Security – Tips for Firms
- ID Theft: What to Do – Tips for Consumers